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International Society for Applied phycology

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Seaweed Cultivation and Biotechonology Hybrid Training 12-16th September 2023 - Tunis, Tunisia

A one week face to face training  in Seaweed Cultivation and Biotechonology took place in Tunisia from 12 to 16 September 2023 ith the aid of funding from the International Society of Applied Phycology (ISAP). GroupTheoretical courses were given at the center of professional formation CENAFOP and broadcast vistually while practical sessions were given at the National Center of Marine Sciences and Technologies INSTM Kheireddine.

This training was coordinated by Dr. Ktari Leila as part of the project TAHALEB, the course was organised by the laboratory of Blue Biotechnology and Aquatic Bioproducts (B3Aqua) of INSTM (Tunisia); Moreforsking Institute (Norway) and Spanish Bank of Algae (BEA) of the University of Las Palmas Gran Canaria (Spain) in association with ATIS (Association Tunisienne pour l’Information Scientifique) which is a non-profit association and was responsible of the financial management of the program.

The program and brochure are available here.